General Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 13 May 2024

Welcome to wellmee!

These General platform Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to the use of wellmee and to which you agree to be bound by using or accessing wellmee.

If you have any questions or feedback about these Terms, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. What is wellmee?

    wellmee is a holistic wellness marketplace operated by Aladdin Labs Pte Ltd (Singapore) (“we”, “our”, “us” or “Marketplace”) for alternative health practitioners and therapies.The platform connects practitioners and clients in a marketplace to allow for the booking and provision of services directly from the practitioner to the client. wellmee is not responsible for the underlying services provided by any practitioner.

  2. General
    1. We may amend these Terms at any time.We will publish those amended Terms on the platform.Your continued use of the platform constitutes your agreement to the new version of the Terms.We may also email you or provide notifications to changes to the Terms, or other documents that apply to your use of the Marketplace, to you via email or by sending a message on the platform.If you disagree with any such amendment, you must cease to use the platform and delete your account.
    2. You may access the platform provided that you abide by these Terms and that you comply with any reasonable request we might make about your use and access of it.
    3. You must only use the platform for the purpose it has been provided and must not use it for any illegal purpose.
    4. You must comply with any other documents listed in these Terms or that might be presented to you as part of your use of the platform.
    5. Whilst we make every effort to keep the platform continuously available, there may be occasions on which we may make it unavailable.These include for security, maintenance or modification.We do not guarantee that the platform will always be available to you or that it will operate without error.
    6. We may also change the functionality on the platform at any time.
  3. Content and Intellectual Property
    1. We own or are the licensee of all intellectual property rights in the platform and the content on it.
    2. Whilst you may use and access the platform, you must not copy, download or make derivative works using any of the content on the platform or that is generated on or by it (including but not limited to through your use of it or the services on it), other than pre-existing content that you have uploaded to the platform yourself or content we have obtained from your social media presences (“Your Content”).You grant to us and our sub-licensees a non-exclusive, sublicensable worldwide, royalty free, irrevocable licence to use, redistribute, publish, modify and to create derivative works using (i) Your Content, which may include using your name, your social media handles/identifiers and, (ii) content we access from your social media accounts.However, you waive any moral or authors rights that you might have in respect of Your Content.
    3. You must ensure that you have the right to upload any content, including Your Content, that you upload to the platform, and if you do not you must indemnify us against any claim made against us by a third party in relation to it.
    4. You must also ensure that any content or information you upload to the platform or otherwise provided to us is complete, accurate and true, and that you will keep it up to date so that it remains so.
  4. Third Party Websites
    1. We may provide links to third party websites from the platform.If we do this, we do this for information purposes only.You must decide if the content of those third-party websites is appropriate for you.We do not review it and we are not responsible for and are not liable for your use of any such content.
  5. Privacy and Personal Data
    1. Our collection and use of data that is personal data about you is governed by our Privacy Policy. By accessing and using the platform you agree to that Policy.
    2. You must not provide your direct contact details such as email address or phone number to another user of the platform.
  6. Acceptable Use of the platform
    1. You must not use the platform to engage in conduct that is prohibited by law or infringes on the rights of others. This includes but is not limited to: violating intellectual property rights; violating privacy or confidentiality rights; disseminating harmful content or software; impersonating any person; disrupting others' use of the platform; disseminating malicious content; frivolous or vexatious use of the platform; non-compliance with booking protocols; unlawful, defamatory, obscene, threatening, harassing, abusive, or slanderous conduct; or causing harm to wellmee's reputation or services.
    2. You may only contact other users of the platform through the platform.You must not provide your direct contact details to any other user of the platform or suggest or arrange that they contact you through another platform or by another means.You must not request that any other user provide their direct contact details.
    3. You must not suggest or attempt to arrange for any other user of the platform to pay you or for you to pay them other than through the platform.
  7. Third-Party Information
    1. The platform may link to third-party websites, wellmee is not responsible for the content on those sites. The platform's role is limited to provision and operation, and it does not vouch for the accuracy or completeness of any third-party information, including that provided by practitioners.
  8. Security and Data
    1. At wellmee, the security of our platform and the privacy of our users are paramount.
    2. By using the platform, you must:
      1. refrain from any actions that could undermine the security or privacy of our systems or information;
      2. safeguard the confidentiality of your login details for accessing the platform;
      3. promptly informing us about any unauthorized access to the platform that you become aware of; and
      4. keep any information about any other users confidential and secret.
    3. We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that data transmission complies with accepted industry standards. However, the internet is inherently insecure, we are therefore not liable for any misuse, loss, unauthorized access, or disclosure of information when it is outside our control.
    4. We may set limits on the amount of data you can store on the platform and will notify you of such restrictions. You are expected to manage your data storage efficiently and abide by any imposed limitations.
  9. Warranties and Indemnities
    1. To the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, we provide no warranties or representations as to the suitability, reliability, availability, or security of the platform. We cannot assure that the platform will be free of errors, uninterrupted, or that it will not harm your systems. Usage of the platform is solely at your own risk.
    2. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, all statutory warranties and conditions are excluded, including but not limited to those under laws such as the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (Singapore) and other relevant laws in any other place.
    3. You must indemnify us against any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from your use of the platform that contravenes these Terms, applicable law, or infringes upon the rights of others.
    4. We aim to provide a valuable service but cannot ensure that the platform will meet your every requirement or be infallible. Should your actions while using the platform result in legal claims or damages against us, you agree to provide full compensation and hold use harmless against any of them.
  10. Liability
    1. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that:
      1. You use wellmee at your own risk;
      2. You are solely responsible for your dealings with practitioners via wellmee, and wellmee is not liable for the actions of any practitioners or other users;
      3. Responsibility for each therapy session resides entirely with the individual practitioner, including client safety, privacy, service quality, and therapy outcomes and wellmee is not liable for any of the same;
      4. wellmee is not a medical advisor and does not offer medical advice;
    2. While certain rights and remedies may be available under Singapore's Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (CPFTA), or other applicable consumer protection laws, that cannot be excluded, we exclude all other warranties, implied terms and conditions to the extent permissible by law.
    3. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim and are not liable to you (including in respect of negligence):
      1. any loss, damage, expense or cost suffered or incurred by you through:
      2. your use of the platform and any content or services it provides;
      3. any harm to your computer systems resulting from your use of the platform or any linked third party websites;
      4. the actions, inactions, or negligence of any practitioner or any other platform user; and/or
      5. any loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of opportunity, failure to realise any business or economic outcome or loss of data;
      6. any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or losses even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damage.
    4. If the platform or services contravene any non-excludable statutory guarantees as stipulated by applicable law, our liability is limited to (for goods) replacing or repairing the goods, or (for services) re-supplying the services or covering the cost of re-supply.
  11. Termination and Suspension
    1. We may terminate these Terms or your access to the platform at any time without notice, for any reason, which may include breaches of these Terms or other concerns. If we do terminate your access or these Terms:
      1. Your right to use the platform is immediately revoked;
      2. You must stop all activities authorized by these Terms;
      3. You must delete any apps related to the platform from your devices;
      4. We may remotely remove the platform or associated apps from your devices and cease providing any related services.
    2. You acknowledge that we may terminate or suspend your access without prior notice and deactivate or erase your account and all associated data.
    3. We are not liable to you for any termination or suspension of your access to the platform. Termination can occur at our discretion, without prior notice, and you accept that we are not responsible for any consequences that follow.
    4. Upon termination of your account for any reason, your data may be deleted or de-identified, or retained according to applicable law.
    5. Termination of these Terms does not affect any accrued rights or indemnities, or obligation to indemnify, nor the provisions of these terms intended to survive termination.
  12. Miscellaneous
    1. These Terms, and your access to wellmee, are governed by Singapore law.Any disputes arising under these Terms or your use of the platform will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.
    2. Should any term be found unenforceable or invalid, that term is to be severed, leaving the remainder in force and enforceable.
    3. Our failure to enforce any right or term will not be deemed a waiver of such rights or an affirmation of contract.
    4. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and wellmee and supersede any prior agreements regarding the use of wellmee.
    5. These Terms are personal to you and you cannot transfer or assign your rights or obligations under them without our written consent. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms and will notify you if we do so.

If you would like to get in touch with us about the platform, including if you have concerns about other users of the platform, please do so through